As we watch the attack against Ukraine unfold, the brave citizens defend their country and strive with defiance for survival...
In the spirit of solidarity, GRIT presents an Evening of Stories, where award-winning personal narrative storytellers from across the U.S. tell their own true stories (in person and via video) of HOPE and RESILIENCE, seeing the light in the dark.
All proceeds will be given to Razom for Ukraine, a (gold level) non profit collecting and sending medical supplies as well as assisting with evacuations for Ukrainian refugees. Thank you for your support—Slava Ukraini!!
Mary Jo Pollack (Arizona)
Cat Dean (North Carolina)
Sharon Eisner (North Carolina)
Grace Gowdy (North Carolina)
Sean Wellington (North Carolina)
Shweta Bhatt (MA); Johanne Pelletier (QB); Richard Munchkin (NV); Andrew Shelffo (MA); Ronna Levy (NY); Tracey Starin (NY); Neshama Franklin (CA); Francesca Sobrer (IL); Aditya Surendran (NJ)
General Admission ($25); VIP Level ($40+). At door sales subject to availability.
If you would like to attend but money is an issue, please reach out; some people may be buying tickets that cannot attend.
If you would like to only donate, please click 'Get Tickets' and follow instructions.
Earl Wynn Theatre, The Arts Center
300-G E. Main St., Carrboro, NC, 27510
Doors open at 6:30 pm; Stories start at 7:00 pm (sharp)
Ukrainian snacks & art for sale
This event is presented by Grit: True Stories that Matter, and is co-produced by Sharon Eisner and Sean Wellington. Grit is a storytelling organization dedicated to helping people craft and tell better, more engaging, more relatable and more memorable stories - that matter.